Smart Dolls are 60cm tall articulated anime-style fashion dolls created by Danny Choo. According to him, the “SM” in “SMART” stands for “Social Media,” and the “ART” represents the dolls’ artistic nature.
Before I discovered Smart Doll, created by Danny Choo, I made outfits for other collectible dolls. One day, I came across a video about Smart Doll. I went to the Smart Doll site and was immediately hooked when I saw the dolls. The creator of these beautiful dolls also offered free patterns! It was love at first sight.
To that point, I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on patterns, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get them for free. Danny offers the patterns for free and permits Smart Doll owners to use and monetize whatever they make from them.
Smart Doll is a perfect (in my opinion) doll to customize because she is posable and articulated with removable parts so that they are easy to dress up in realistic outfits scaled down to her size.
She also comes in a “Pear” shape, offering even more customization possibilities. So, let’s start sewing!
Warning! Don’t get scammed. Smart Doll is currently only available from the following sites:
Unfortunately, a scam website (thesmartdollus) is still active and comes up on Google searches.
Stay safe.
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